Νew Fire-Resistance Certificate
November 2019
We are proud to inform you that our company is certificated in producing 2-panel telescopic automatic doors with fire resistance Ε120 / EW60 (EN 81-58) from the international house of certifications FIRES. This fire-resistance concerns two panel telescopic doors with dimensions from 70 cm to 130cm in width up to 230cm in height for the countries of the European Union and the United Arab Emirates.
Latest News
2 December 2012
Released the new brochures of automatic lift doors . To download it , go to the download category and download
July 5, 2012
For another year successfully completed visits of students at the Company Kalliotis American College of Thessaloniki and the American University OHIO UNIVERSITY. The students had the opportunity to take a tour at the company and informed on issues of elevators. They also had the chance to work and research on topics of the elevator with her assistant and the cooperation of our company and to present the results to the company kalliotis and the American College . I warmly thank the Administration of the American College of OHIO University and Professor Chris Grammeno for opportunity given to students to become acquainted with the lift and the company kalliotis
Νew Products
20 July 2011
Kalliotis The company started production and sale of automatic lift doors designed and Savoury whole on the company premises.